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Overwatch World Cup Round-Up: Day One


UK 3-1 USA

What a start the third Overwatch World Cup got off to. Who would have thought the UK would upset most people’s favourites for the title? Everyone knew coming into this match that the UK would run a tank heavy composition and if the rumours are true, then the USA have been scrimming for two months straight and still couldn’t stop it. Whether that is because they had both eyes on the semi final slot against South Korea or they just couldn’t stop them on the day, this loss falls on the coaches more than the players. For all the trash talk USA gave everyone it will be a World Cup they want to forget in a hurry.

The UK on the other hand will be overjoyed at beating one of the favourites especially after a sluggish start on Ilios. However, they turned it around on Kings Row defence and full held the USA and from that moment on never looked like giving up another map. With Boombox hitting orb after orb on Zenyatta and Fusions seemingly hitting at least four people with every Earthshatter this was one of the most complete team displays I’ve ever seen. We’ve seen South Korea struggle against the tank heavy compositions in the past but surely this team couldn’t go all the way, could they?

Canada 3-0 France

While the score doesn’t look to good for France they can exit the World Cup with their head held high after running every map close. Yes, they probably should have won on Eichenwalde and could have snatched Hanumura, but this team impressed with Soon leading the charge. If they can clean up some of their team fights then this team could go further next year.

Credit to Canada though they came in against a tough opposition and ran out 3-0 victors. They may have been favourites coming into the match, but they played well and got the job done and that’s all they could’ve done. You can only beat the team in front of you and Canada did just that. On a sidenote how good was Agilities on Doomfist. If he played Doomfist then Canada were just guaranteed a fight win.

China 3-0 Finland

Coming into this match I don’t think anyone knew how well China would do. We knew they had some talented players. But due to visa issues at previous World Cups nobody could accurately pick whereabout they would finish. After todays dismantling of the highly touted Finland I think people are starting to get the idea that these guys could potentially go all the way. Guxue is living up to the hype and more and there doesn’t seem to be any slowing down for this team. Would a World Cup run be just the thing the Chinese Overwatch scene needs after the disastrous 0-40 embarrassment the Shanghai Dragons were. Maybe, just maybe it could be.

For a team that caused south Korea all kinds of problems in the qualifiers, this was a very tame performance by Finland. This was the team that came within one point of handing the Koreans their first ever World Cup loss and to go out in this way just felt wrong. Fragi was constantly out of position, the supports where always under duress and even the Widowmaker god LiNkzr didn’t have too much of an impact in this game. Not a good result by Finland.

South Korea 3-0 Australia

The defending world champions wasted no time in conquering this fan favourite Australian side starting with a quick decimation in Busan and ending with an easy win on Temple of Anubis. While Blizzard World was a lot closer its clear to see how valuable Carpe is to this team and his huge hero pool came in big for them with a great Torbjorn pick to shut down Australia’s impressive dive. This win shows that South Korea don’t need to be at their juggernaut best in order to sweep teams.

While nobody expected Australia to really win against South Korea they did give it a good go and nearly took Blizzard World, however its hard to win when your country is thousands of miles away from the other teams and you have to scrim on 300 ping. This team showed the determination and grit that we came to expect from them and while it wasn’t enough to topple the South Korean might, these boys can go home with their heads held high for just making it to BlizzCon.



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