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The game that will define a region.

Friday, November 2nd, 6:15 PM local time. The moment Team China has to show the world the true potential of their region. This year, with a balanced and talented squad

without visa issues or alleged corruption and nepotism. On this day, at the biggest event in Overwatch Esports, will we see the true potential of the Chinese Overwatch scene?

Source: @ChiXiaoTu_OW on twitter

Finland might as well be the toughest opponent to immediately face in the quarterfinals. With two DPS stars in Taimou and LiNkzr and other veterans of the scene rounding out the Finnish squad, it will be a major task for China to take them down. I believe tough, that they can do it.

Now, there is always belief, among the fans, the players and staff and among the people like me just watching from the sideline. How will this belief become reality? To answer that question I will look at the strengths team China has going for them as well as some of their weaknesses.


The main strength for China will be their flexibility. Their DPS rotation of Shy, Krystal and Leave can basically cover all damage heroes at a very high level which will make them very scary and unpredictable to play against. Guxue on MT is also a standout, using primal rages like dragon blades and being clutch for his team time and time again. It will also be very much in China's favor if the meta at Blizzcon is still mostly ''Goats'' or ''Sombra/Doomfist'' Comps. Leave playing his excellent Doomfist and Shy or Krystal flexing to a Sombra fits really well in the agressive playstyle of their tanks. Another great thing about this Team are their supports, with Yveltal being a top-tier Mercy player he still has to show us his skills on the Lucio, we saw it a bit at the qualifier but now he has to prove he can take it up a lot. Sky is a wildcard for me now, his Ana has always been impressive but his Zenyatta was sometimes a bit lackluster (looking at you Dragons) but on this new team he seems to have picked up his pre-OWL form again. Let's hope they can show of all these strengths tomorrow against Finland.


This team might be the best Chinese team we have ever laid eyes upon, but even now they have weaknesses. China sometimes struggles to win fights quickly, making them very scrappy with a lot of ultimate's thrown around. They also rely very heavily on a single player making a crazy play that changes or starts a fight, some examples of this are Guxue primal kills or a sudden Krystal blade that comes out of nowhere and kills half the opponents team. In my mind if they can clean up fights quicker and execute strats cleaner and adapt to situation as they happen, they have a very good chance at beating Finland in the Quarterfinals tomorrow and who knows, maybe even go all the way.

This world cup might be the most exciting one so far. Teams are looking stronger then ever and with South-Korea looking not as confident as they ones were I deem it very likely for an upset to happen this year. Will it be the USA to overthrow the Koreans? Maybe the French have some funky strats up their sleeves or will it just be an EZ 3-0 for Australia against South-Korea whilst full holding them on every map..? Who knows.... Team China will be ready to fight for what they are worth and we as fans can only be excited to watch everything unfold.

Let's all hope for a great showing in the match against Finland. The legacy of the Chinese Overwatch scene took a blow with the season the Dragons had in the League. This team, has all the tools and potential to make the fans proud and make everyone understand: the Chinese scene is not to be messed with anymore!


Follow me: @Ryukku____


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